Megan McCann is #1 Amazon Bestselling Author, Business Coach, Speaker, Podcast Host, and business strategist. She is also the brains behind Soul Success®. We believe in the power of women creating financial freedom through their business without sacrificing their values. We are on a mission to unearth the brilliance inside each woman in business.

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Soul Success Love.

Hear from our community and the amazing business results our Soul Success Sisters!



Hear how Jennifer Ludington hired Meg as her first mentor and cultivated a multi-six figure business.


Hear how Jaime Rivetts hired Meg to help her step outside of the box as an educator, make a bigger impact, and manifest $10k months!

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Your Transformation Begins Here.

Megan McCann provides strategic systems and accountability for women in business who want to make a bigger impact. We are a brand with a mission to empower the in-demand women of today to reach her objectives without “bro-marketing” tactics.

10 Ways to Make Money Online

10 simple ways you can make money online and help more people.


Get a behind the scenes look into the making of Soul Success.


Wanna sneak peak into our coaching? Here’s what we will cover...

What we can do


Scale your business.


Show you how to multiply your business production and revenue by scaling your business online. Learn how to automate what you’re doing and help more people.

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Attract what you want.


Understand how you can simplify what you WANT.

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Make more, do less.


Learn how to create multiple streams of income and maximize your impact so you’re no longer doing it all wasting countless hours in the day that you could otherwise be spending with family.

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Connect with yourself and others. Learn how to clear the space you can listen to your intuition.

Learn from high performing female entrepreneurs who are thought leaders, visionaries, 6 & 7 figure owners, philanthropists, best selling authors, journalists, CEO’s, speakers, podcasters, and so much more.

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Stay Aligned.


The journey is real, and so are the challenges. Our Community believes in listening to your soul’s calling and gaining the tools to find alignment through tools such as meditation, yoga, energy healing and other spiritual modalities.

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Meet Megan McCann

Megan McCann is a #1 amazon best-selling author, speaker, intuitive business coach, & the Founder of Soul Success®, a global leadership brand designed for female leaders ready to scale by tapping into their intuitive abilities. Meg is the host of the Soul Ascend Podcast and holds a Bachelors in Sociology, Masters in Counseling, Yoga and Meditation Teacher, and in 2011 made it to the top 2% of a multi-billion dollar nutrition company, a 7 figure business.

She currently works with entrepreneurs, philanthropists, intuitive healers, speakers, authors, and other creatives, and give them the tools to scale their business while activating their High Priestess.

Her global events, retreats, business summits, mastermind, 1:1 coaching, and online tools give current and future change-makers the tools to harness their highest potential. She lives in Sun Valley, ID with her two daughters Mykala and Galena, and her husband Luc.

She sends love, light, and gold your way.

“Megan has an exceptional gift. She can extract your true purpose and help you monetize it in a way that is aligned with your lifestyle and goals. Her systematic approach enabled me to launch my online business in 2 months and create a passive income stream so that I can help more people, still have time with my kids, and maximize my earning potential. My very first challenge I registered 130 people and have grown my online community substantially!”

— Jennifer Ludington, Online Health and Weight Loss Expert

“When I first started working with Megan, I was just beginning to grow my coaching business.  I didn’t have a brand nor was I making any income!  I also didn’t have a clue what kind of content I wanted to create.  Megan skillfully helped me figure out who my client was and how to market myself.  Within the first year of working with her, I enrolled 8 private clients and was making around $10,000 a month!  Since then, I’ve also created  a group coaching curriculum.  Megan is great at helping you find YOUR OWN VOICE!  I’d recommend anyone to work with her!”

— Pirie Grossman, TV Personality, TedX Speaker, Coach

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Soul Success®

Magnetic Method

  1. Identify

    1. Identify your objective. What do you want to create out of nothing?

    2. What obstacles are getting in the way? Identify the trauma, wound, conversations, and limitations that disempower you

    3. Understanding where you give your power and attention

    4. Recognize the people and the things you focus on and how they affect you.

  2. Clear

    1. Tools to clear the space of negative emotions and energy, What forms of meditation can you access to clear your negative thoughts?

    2. Absence of negative thoughts stops the momentum

    3. In order to rewrite the story, we need to clear the space so that the negative thought patterns stop taking our power

  3. Declare

    1. Create a theme that propels your mission forward and gives momentum towards new possibilities.

    2. New empowering statements that are aligned with your objective

  4. Awareness

    1. Become hyper-sensitive to your thoughts and emotions.

    2. Turn on your emotional thermometer (How you feel about everything is EVERYTHING)

    3. Provide evidence that supports your objectives

  5. Manifest

    1. Instead of being reactive, become proactive and attract what you desire using the laws of attraction

    2. Building momentum for prosperity. Do like Olympic Athletes. Repetition is the key to mastery